The Church We See...
A mighty army, standing united as a force against spiritual darkness. A praying and bold people, thwarting all demonic attacks and causing them to be destroyed.
A tribe of godly men and women who are on FIRE, blazing in the presence of God and operating in supernatural signs, wonders, and miracles.
A committed group of young adults, teenagers, children and seasoned saints, all working together in harmony.
A multicultural assembly, with people from the Carribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
A sophisticated group of individuals, who understand the times and know what to do.
Strategic in scope and apostolic in nature, not just bringing people to church but becoming the church to the world.
A goofy, fun people who don't take themselves too seriously and work in tandem with each other and laugh as we grow together.
Not title driven or self motivated, but a people of the TOWEL, not the TITLE.
A church that believes in transforming nations and is not ashamed to embrace a Gospel that desires not to just save the neighborhood but to break open nations, cultures and territories foreign to the Gospel message.
A church that has Level 5 leaders, who are disciples that are on a journey following Christ alongside a loving pastor and leadership team.
A large scale church with extensions in Toronto, California, Florida, Atlanta, Chicago, Africa, London, and Japan.
Touching millions across the globe through social reform, leadership development and covert mountain segmentation, transforming culture at both the macro and micro level.
A church for the broken and the battered and the wealthy and the intelligent. Causing the disenfranchised to break free from poverty and the affluent to crush the spirit of mammon, greed and pride.
A church that is evolving, growing, stretching. We are never "there." We will never arrive. We are a lab, not a factory.
We will make mistakes, we will have spills; we are not perfect but we are honest about our wounds and how the journey has been.
We will be TRANSPARENT and TRANSFORMATIONAL, building a team based culture and not a church based off of celebrity, personality or hype.
A church for artists, creatives, misfits and techies, a haven for the brilliant and a cathedral for those in trouble.
I see a church that will change history as we know it. A church where they will say of us like they did the days of old, "These are they that have turned the world upside down..." (Acts 17:6).
Snapple Fact: F-I-R-E. We Bounce Back, GLOBALLY.
We are Gladiators. Vigilant in times of change. Resilient in seizing opportunities.
D. A. Sherron, Pastor and Chief Globalite
A tribe of godly men and women who are on FIRE, blazing in the presence of God and operating in supernatural signs, wonders, and miracles.
A committed group of young adults, teenagers, children and seasoned saints, all working together in harmony.
A multicultural assembly, with people from the Carribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
A sophisticated group of individuals, who understand the times and know what to do.
Strategic in scope and apostolic in nature, not just bringing people to church but becoming the church to the world.
A goofy, fun people who don't take themselves too seriously and work in tandem with each other and laugh as we grow together.
Not title driven or self motivated, but a people of the TOWEL, not the TITLE.
A church that believes in transforming nations and is not ashamed to embrace a Gospel that desires not to just save the neighborhood but to break open nations, cultures and territories foreign to the Gospel message.
A church that has Level 5 leaders, who are disciples that are on a journey following Christ alongside a loving pastor and leadership team.
A large scale church with extensions in Toronto, California, Florida, Atlanta, Chicago, Africa, London, and Japan.
Touching millions across the globe through social reform, leadership development and covert mountain segmentation, transforming culture at both the macro and micro level.
A church for the broken and the battered and the wealthy and the intelligent. Causing the disenfranchised to break free from poverty and the affluent to crush the spirit of mammon, greed and pride.
A church that is evolving, growing, stretching. We are never "there." We will never arrive. We are a lab, not a factory.
We will make mistakes, we will have spills; we are not perfect but we are honest about our wounds and how the journey has been.
We will be TRANSPARENT and TRANSFORMATIONAL, building a team based culture and not a church based off of celebrity, personality or hype.
A church for artists, creatives, misfits and techies, a haven for the brilliant and a cathedral for those in trouble.
I see a church that will change history as we know it. A church where they will say of us like they did the days of old, "These are they that have turned the world upside down..." (Acts 17:6).
Snapple Fact: F-I-R-E. We Bounce Back, GLOBALLY.
We are Gladiators. Vigilant in times of change. Resilient in seizing opportunities.
D. A. Sherron, Pastor and Chief Globalite